National Skill Qualification Framework. The Centrally sponsored scheme of Vocationalization of Secondary education of Ministry of HRD, Government of India lists out a crucial role for NSDC and its Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) in implementation of NSQF. It is then executed through State Governments under RMSA (Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan). The trainings conducted in the scheme are based on the Nation Occupational Standards set by NSDC through its Sector Skill Councils. The scheme also mandates the SSCs to conduct assessments and certification jointly with the State Board.

ICSS is part of this scheme as VTP (Vocational Training Provider) since its initial moment. NSDC funded training partners take the responsibility of entire Training Delivery including deploying and managing faculty, setting up of labs, organizing guest lecturers/industry visits. There are four levels in NSQF from class IX to XII, respectively. ICSS is running this program in 5 states with NSDC as a funded partner.

List of the no. of schools in each state where ICSS worked as VTP:

• New Delhi- 33

• Himachal Pradesh- 62

• Haryana- 61

• Rajasthan- 60

Stake holders in the implementation of NSQF are:

• State Government


• Sector Skill Councils

• NSDC Training Partner